About Us


Equine Nigeria, a technology company is an independent organization established to provide technical contributions for the advancement of information and communication technology and welfare of the people. Seven years Equine has grown significantly in size, scope, and breadth, including the establishment of the community development arm of the organization. Today, Equine continues to provide the products and services that originally motivated its establishment along with programs focusing on ICT, education, economic development, and revitalization of our communities.

Our story

Our ICT maintenance program has a solid rock with record of successfully completing projects. we have deployed and maintained over 500 units of ICT facilities.

We have supplied and installed several point of sale systems for clients and many more achievements. The company has handled multi-million projects so we can be trusted to properly handle funds and deliver the best service.

Our Vision

To be the world class IT industry that is passionate about the quality of life reinvents productivity and technology advancement for the general populace.

Our Mission

Touch and empower the lives of every person and every organization by providing their basic ICT needs and ability to do more.

Customer loyalty: To earn customer respect and loyalty by consistently providing the highest quality of services and values.

Profit: To achieve sufficient profit to finance growth, create core value for our shareholders, to achieve our cooperate objectives.

Growth: To recognize and seize opportunities for growth that builds upon our strength and competencies.

Market leadership: To lead in the marketplace by developing and delivering useful and innovative products, services and solutions.

Commitment to employees: To demonstrate our commitment to employees by promoting and rewarding based on performance and by creating a work environment that reflect our values.

Leadership capability: To develop leaders at all levels who achieve business results, exemplify our values and lead us to grow and win.


Trust and respect for individuals; to work together to create a culture of inclusion built on trust, respect and dignity for all.

Achievement and contribution; to strive for excellence in all we do, and know that each person’s contribution is crucial to our success.

Results through teamwork; to effectively collaborate, and always looking for more efficient ways to serve our customers.

Meaningful innovation; to be an IT industry that invents, manufacture, repairs and train person’s, provides the useful and the significant.

Uncompromising integrity; to be open, honest and direct in our dealings.

Global citizenship: To fulfil our responsibility to society by being an economic, intellectual and social asset to each country and community


Provide professional quality services on time and on budget
Develop a follow-up strategy to guage performance with all clients
Implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy